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Readers Gallery

Be sure you have your grownup WITH you when you fill this out!

Your first name (or a nickname) only:

Your town, village, or city (NO STREET ADDRESS, PLEASE):

Your language:
(I may need to add your alphabet to my computer)

Your grownup's full name (teacher, guardian, uncle, aunt, or whoever takes care of you):

When your grownup fills this in for you, they are giving permission for you to send your materials to us.

The best way for InklessTales.com to contact your grownup:
(If we collect your stuff for a book someday, we want you to be able to benefit from it. We want to be able to get in touch with your grownup somehow so we can at least send you something for it.)
This can be a GROWNUP's e-mail, or a phone number, or address.

(By the way: We respect YOUR privacy, too. Your e-mail and other information given here will never be used for anything except to protect your child's privacy. It's not collected for any other purpose, and will not be sold to any third-party.)


confirm email:




state or province:


Any other comments:

Note to grownups: I can accept almost any file, in MS Word, OpenOffice, Adobe Illustrator, JPG, GiF, PNG; I can accept files created on Macs, PCs, pretty much anything. I even have a program that is especially designed to translate difficult files, although I would appreciate it if you stuck to the standards.

Additionally, for international users: I speak French, Spanish, Italian, and American Sign Language for the Deaf. I also can read Portugese. I am located near both Sacramento State University and the University of San Francisco, so I have many translation opportunities available to me for Asian languages, as well. So please feel free to send work in any language.

Kids: PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANYTHING . . .  without permission from your grownup in charge,  like a parent, uncle or aunt, teacher, guardian or any other trusted adult in your home.

All materials © Elizabeth Bushey, except where otherwise indicated.
Contact Elizabeth Bushey

Privacy Policy

spanish flag french flag italian flag (and more available.)
Please send in any language.

Privacy Policy

* We love you.
We just don't want anyone to be able to figure out who you really are, so you stay safe.
We respect the privacy of children.
ONLY GIVE OUT your first name, or a
made-up nickname.

Are you a kid who doesn't have a stamp or an envelope?

Are you a teacher or a librarian who is working with limited supplies, or who would like to send a whole boxful of stuff?

Write me at the contact form.

I'll send a prepaid mailer to your grownup.Mail your stuff to:

Elizabeth Williams Bushey, Inkless Tales
P.O. Box 893
Newcastle, California 95658