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Note to grownups: I can accept almost any file, in MS Word, OpenOffice, Adobe Illustrator, JPG, GiF, PNG; I can accept files created on Macs, PCs, pretty much anything. I even have a program that is especially designed to translate difficult files, although I would appreciate it if you stuck to the standards. Additionally, for international users: I speak French, Spanish, Italian, and American Sign Language for the Deaf. I also can read Portugese. I am located near both Sacramento State University and the University of San Francisco, so I have many translation opportunities available to me for Asian languages, as well. So please feel free to send work in any language. All materials © Elizabeth Bushey, except where otherwise indicated.
* We love you. NOTE: Are you a teacher or a librarian who is working with limited supplies, or who would like to send a whole boxful of stuff? I'll send a prepaid mailer to your grownup.Mail your stuff to: