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Illustrations by Elizabeth Bushey
created in Adobe Illustrator |

My vegetables are my enemies
My mom tries very hard to please.
A carrot in a sword fight can’t be beat.
A carrot on my plate I cannot eat.
Peas, a game of marbles I can do.
Peas with melted butter taste like goo.
even put a radish next to me.
My mother makes them roses, pointlessly.
Turnips, I can’t say I understand.
Don’t even bother opening the can.
Brussel sprouts are agony.
Broccoli is mean to me.
tried them alphabetically.
And none of them appealed to me.
I can’t imagine Mom could ever bring
A single green or growing thing –
– But wait – of all the things I’ve had,
Zucchini isn’t all that bad.
