Teachers: Got a web page?
These graphics are free for you to download and use! Enjoy!
Just please include this credit graphic, and link it back to Inkless Tales. Thanks!
To link your graphic back to Inkless Tales, please include the following code:
<a href="http://www.inklesstales.com/"><img src="your_web_directory_where_you_keep_your_images/credit_graphic.gif" alt="Logo: Inkless Tales: Graphics Created by Inkless tales: www.inklesstales.com" width="161" height="68" border="0" /></a>
Right-click any graphic to save to your hard drive. |
What's the code?
Brief explanation:
<a href="the link"> Don't forget the "http://"
<img src> image source. Where is your image? The web page will look for the directory, and the filename. You can use two kinds of references: absolute -> That's the whole web address, such as http://www.inklesstales.com/images/logo.gif, or you can use a relative reference, shown here: JUST your directory of images, and the file name.
<alt> alternate tag. This is important. Screen readers (web page readers for the disabled) use these tags to read images and graphics. Also: if your page is slow-loading on slower connections, these tags will load first and give users a clue about your page while your graphics appear. MUCH more important than you think to include on a page.
Next page of graphics ::::::> |